Saturday, October 02, 2010

Let Democracy Work

For over a year the Town Council has been debating moving the Town Election Day from even years in May to November.  They have been advised by the State Board of Elections, and studied the effect of change from a May date by other towns and cities in Virginia.  At the last Council meeting a public input session was held so the Council could get an understanding of how Leesburg residents felt about changing this date.  The Council received 45 comments from citizens who spoke in person and/or sent emails to the Council.  Of these 43 indicated that they were in favor of moving the Town Election Day to November.  Only two were opposed.

In the last Town election held in May this year, less than 2% of eligible voters voted.  This embarrassingly low turnout has been the same for many years.  Voting is not a subject that most citizens have on their mind in May.  I have helped many candidates running for the Town Council and Mayor for over ten years.  I have gone door-to-door talking to residents, and have been amazed, despite all the yard signs and newspaper articles, at how few actually knew there was an election in May.

November is National Election Day.  It is a National holiday.  Schools are closed, and most businesses grant employees extra time off to vote if necessary.  The turnout in the Leesburg District of Loudoun County exceeded 30% in the last November election.

Even years in November sees the largest turnout at the polls.  Every four years the Presidential election takes place in November.  The airways are full of election news and ads.  You may not like it, but your phone and door bell will ring with election messages.  This is what we do in a democracy.  However, in May you are seldom disturbed by election news.

May elections tend to favor the incumbents.  Their base will turn out regardless of when the election is held.  The incumbents only have to get a few supporters to the polls in order to assure another term.  The members of the Town Council who have opposed a change to Even years in November are all long term incumbents.  The incumbents opposing a change will use every excuse to delay a vote - a need to study the law, a need to hear from citizens, etc.  The need now is to bring this issue to a vote.

On Tuesday, October 12th the Town Council will be holding a work session to discuss a resolution to formally move the elections from May in Even numbered years to November.  (The input session I mentioned above was deemed not an official work session necessary to move a resolution forward to a vote as two Council members wanted to do.  This is another example of a delaying tactic on the part of some incumbents.

I urge you to either speak at the work session on October 12th or email the Town Council at with your thoughts on this issue.  I hope you will agree that the Town Election Day should be on Even years in November.  An Even year is important as it will result in the largest turnout by a factor of 10.