Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Transition Time

We now move on to a new era. A new Town Council took office on July 1st. I wish them well, each and everyone. I know everyone wants what is best for Leesburg and Loudoun County, and I know there and many different views on how to get there. I hope you will join me by expressing your views and debate the issues here on Leadership Leesburg’s new Blog. Enjoy the new look, but most importantly the new content. I will begin by posting some of the articles that were posted on our old Blog after the election. The comments to these postings are not easily transitioned, but you are welcome to jump back in again if you left a comment on any of these postings.

Finally, if you would like to originate new material or new postings, contact me and I will set it up so you can do so. It is very easy to contribute.

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