Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Breath of Fresh Air

Glen Caroline, the newly elected chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee, recently held a meeting of a small group of Republican activists to discuss his and their goals for the Republican Party in Loudon County. A few years ago I lost interest in the LCRC when the meetings I attended turned into the equivalent of a food fight. This recent meeting was not a formal LCRC meeting but rather Glen’s opportunity to repeat his views, which he expressed in his acceptance speech, on the newly organized Committee, and to get a feeling about how best to help Republican candidates.

Glen impressed me as someone who could chair an efficient meeting of many strong willed individuals who are not reticent about expressing their views. He focused on the common beliefs of most Republican. “Respect” was a word I heard him use often. Glen quoted Abraham Lincoln and clearly espoused Ronald Reagan’s “Big Tent” philosophy of welcoming all who share the core beliefs of Republicans such as limited government, fiscal responsibility, free markets, and a strong national defense. Social issues were not discussed, for which I am glad, as these are the issues that are the most divisive.

As word spreads about Glen’s leadership, I predict membership in the LCRC and the Republican Party will grow, and in time, so will the success of Republican candidates. With new leadership, and a strong positive message, the Republican Party and the Loudoun County Committee will have a message that will inspire and attract liberal, moderate, and conservative Republican to the big tent. If you want to be inspired, play this Video put together for the new LCRC website by my good friend Dave D'Onofrio.

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