I watched Angela Braly’s testimony before Congress and could not help drawing the contrast to the testimony two years ago by the automobile CEO’s. Braly, CEO of WellPoint, a large health insurance company, was there to explain their recently announced rate increases. She was polite but took a firm position defending her company. When asked what her compensation was, she answered in detail explaining her salary, and all benefits, never looking at a note. Her inquisitors, the congressional members, as usual looked foolish trying to be tough and get sound bites for the home town media.

I grew up in an age when the sexes were separated almost from birth. After third grade and through college, I never had a class with a girl in it. Now it is hard to find a single sex school or college. My youngest daughter graduated two years ago from Washington & Lee University, which was all male until the 1980s. Now I am told there are so many bright girls (sorry, I guess I should be saying women) that apply that the boys/men feel disadvantaged.
So when I see a bright attractive woman, there I got it right, dishing it back to some cranky old men, I say “Go Girls!”
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