Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bad to Worse

For the last couple of weeks I have been hearing rumors about a proposal by Leesburg Mayor Umstattd to require that advisory commission members report their real estate holdings. The Town’s advisory commissions are made up of volunteers who presumably have some expertise in a certain area and can add their knowledge to a particular commission, which in turn advises the Town Council. Advisory commissions have no power to award contracts, spend Town money, or set policy. All this rests with the Town Council.

What started as a small irritant of an idea was expanded with the help of the Town Attorney to include full financial disclosure. The stuff hit the fan last night when commission member after commission member protested. I understand that at least one entire commission privately threatened to resign.

Vice Mayor Susan Horne objected when this idea was originally surfaced but apparently everyone else was either asleep or absent. Last night, thank God, the majority woke up. And the motion was tabled. This example of government run amok should have been killed not tabled to raise its ugly head again. (Leesburg Today reported the details.)

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