Saturday, May 12, 2007

East Meets West

The Sacramento Union is a newspaper much like Leesburg Today, free on newsstands and published weekly, but a paper with a much longer history. It was founded in 1851. One of the early staff writers was Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain. The paper went through some hard times, but recently was acquired by an innovative publisher who designed the new business model, and attracted some modern day “Mark Twain’s”

What caught my eye was the editorial page, a favorite of mine in most newspapers. One very perceptive editorial, A Wake-Up Call for College Administrators, discusses the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech. As the parent of a college junior, at a university not far from Blacksburg, I keep asking myself what early warning signals can prevent this from happening. The “Wake-up Call” editorial answers this question. The early warning signals were all there, but were ignored. Thankfully my daughter attends, what the writer describes as a “smaller less liberal campus” where personal interviews by an admissions officer are required and the administration follow the doctrine of loco parentis. Social education goes hand-in-hand with academics at this school, deeply loved by parents and students.

So where did this publisher of a paper in the land of liberal thought, home of the ACLU, and hippie culture, find such writers. After a little detective work, I deduced that answer might be Leesburg, Virginia. The writers share the talent of Mark Twain, witty and wise.

After reading “Wake-up Call” and thirsting for more, check out two of my personal favorites, Today San Francisco, Tomorrow the World, and How to Handle College Protestors.

1 comment:

wdporter said...

Great site, Jim.

So how do you know this guy is from Leesburg?

By the way, I added you to my blogroll at ""

Make it a great day!